Wednesday, September 1, 2010


42% of adults now use social networks - is that YOUR target market?

Read and Reflect but don't RUN

Monday, February 15, 2010

It Is A Heart Issue

What better way to start a "blog" after Valentine's Day than with a "Heart Issue". I have been leading worship for 30 years as of this Wednesday, and I am convince now more than ever before that our Heart conditions have kept us out of the very presence of God on a weekly and even daily basis.

I have battled, and agonized and fought and prayed over the traditional, contemporary, too loud, too soft, too something issue for almost all 30 of those years. As I look back on the wonderful blessing that it has been to lead worship, I have only found one consistent truth."When we get out of the way God moves and when we get in the way God waits."

How often we major on the  minor. I cannot tell you how many times the first thing I hear is "the sanctuary it too cold or too hot" or " can we please sing at least one hymn today" or "do we have to always sing hymns, how about something up beat and contemporary" or "did you know that they said this or they said that or they did this".

I have been guilty of being right in the middle of the mess myself. How many worship leaders or pastors find themselves worried about transitions or song selection or soloist or the choir or the praise team or the illustrations or length of the message or, so on and so on. If we stopped worrying about the "SO-ON & SO-ON" and concentrated on "THE SON" then worship my just be that - WORSHIP.

YES, I know that it takes much planning and prayer and even seeming miracles at times to "pull off" what happens on Sunday morning or Saturday or whenever we meet. I just can't help but wonder if we worried more about our own "Heart" condition before we came together in worship if it might not be a better use of our time.

I know that there are no perfect churches and the only perfect person was crucified for our transgressions 2000 years ago. We should always strive to be Christ-Like but does that really mean perfection or does it mean forgiven. To coin an over used phrase "AT THE END OF THE DAY" if we get it all just right. We have the perfect song, and the perfect volume, and the perfect temperature, and the perfect sermon and the perfect illustrations, and the perfect volunteers to watch the perfect children, and we get out at the perfect time, BUT we don't let our HEARTS open or our LOVE show, then it is all just useless noise.

Just a few thoughts, and I certainly welcome yours. How will you let your HEART be open this week or how will your LOVE show? 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Old Church New: Dancing Preacher

Old Church New: Dancing Preacher

Dancing Preacher

As I have mentioned, I currently serve as the Worship Pastor for a 165 year old church, but what you might not know is that The Holy Spirit has grabbed us by the heart and all Heaven is breaking lose.

We have a young pastor in his early 30's who has lived a life you can only believe if you hear his testimony. From drugs to the Marines to a pulpit, God has been all over this man and our church shows from the inside out.

This morning during worship (at a Baptist church) our pastors mother, who is dying from cancer and who was hearing her son preach at his first church for the first time, walked down front during a special time of prayer. As they embraced, and as the praise team was leading in the wonderful song "The More I Seek You", they slowly began to sway back and forth. You could feel God's Power just sweep over the congregation.

As I stood on the platform, hands raised to heaven and heart full of pure Joy, I could not help but think about how the scripture in 2 Samuel says that "David dance before the Lord with all his might". Although for a different desire, I could feel that same passion as I watched a son hold his mother and dance with all his might.

Isn't this what "church" or "community" or "Christianity" should be all about? Forget all "sacred cows" and leave all inhibitions behind, and just let The Holy Spirit rain down.  I believe that is the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in this little community church. In the middle of one of the fastest growing and most affluent areas in the nation, this church is a hidden treasure that is finally taking its lamp and putting it on a stand for all to see.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Community Matters???

You would think that being in the same location for 165 years would ensure that a church has become relevant in their community. However, Lonesome Dove somehow allowed one of the fastest growing and most affluent communities in the nation to grow up around the church and to literally leave them decades behind.

Three years ago we found ourselves asking the question, "How can we become relevant to the community around us?" "How can we show them God loves them and become relevant in their lives?" .... The church has had a long standing tradition of celebrating its history and large homecoming celebrations, but at that time had seen its attendance drop to an average of 30 on Sunday morning. Mega churches exploding all around and new families moving in to the community by the dozens, should have made for the perfect formula to create community in the community.

The opportunity presented itself to allow God to truly do a makeover on this little country church that finds itself placed in the middle of the big city. What does that mean? What does that look like? Can a church remake its reputation in the community? Will anyone notice or care?

The answer to all of these questions is simple. God knows and has direction. We just need to follow and get out of His way. That is just what happened. God led a young pastor to take this challenge and lead this flock. Over the last two years we have seen God bless and families start to share. We now have over 100 in regular attendance in Sunday morning worship, and we are leading mission projects and community outreach projects to try and become a relevant part of our community.

The question still lingers .... DOES COMMUNITY MATTER? We do not have the latest and greatest in facilities, but our buildings are paid for. We have 12 acres that look like you are driving by Mayberry RFD and stepping back in time. Immediately across the street 500K plus homes and more are springing up all at the time. Still huge potential for growth and ministry, but how do we become relevant?

Do we need to rebuild bigger and better? Do we need to relocate? Do we? Do we? Do we?

The answer is always the same. Listen to God's direction and allow Him to "draw all men (and women) unto Him".......not an easy task.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is in a name?

I lead worship for a 165 year church with a rich history including having the name of a famous TV mini series (LONESOME DOVE)

In the days of most denominational church taking the "DENOMINATION" out of their name, the question lingers about "What is in a name?"

Baptist churches, Methodist churches and more are dropping those terms from their name. Does it really keep people from coming through your door or looking at your website? Do people really have such a bias against main stream religions that they block out the message or the people of the church?

In many ways main stream religions have brought this on themselves through years of dealing in "Guilt" motivation. However, it almost seems that the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction and we are in an age where the church cannot stand for anything without being "racist" or "biased" or "bigots" or fill in your own answer.

Should people be able to make their own choice and decision? Sure. Should a church me more about what the people do and how they love and show Grace? Sure. It is true that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. However, the reality is that churches must somehow reach "the masses" and "get the word out". The competition for time and mind share is great, but the message of the church is timeless and truly "draws all men (and women)".

So back to the question? Does a name turn you away or draw you to something? What does Lonesome Dove say to you? If you have never heard of the mini series, does the name make you feel lonesome or lonely? Does the name Lonesome Dove make you wonder and want to know more? The answer is still open and out their and we are looking.

We love the heritage of our community and never want to forget where we came from. However, at the same time there is a new excitement and feel at "The Dove". Contemporary worship and a young pastor with a passion that is catching. It is a wonderful community church in need of even more community. Surrounded by "mega" churches in the Southlake and Grapevine area, Lonesome Dove offers something that cannot be found in large venues, while maintaining the excellence expected by the surrounding communities.

Help us get the word out or let us know how you feel. What is in a name?