Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What's Your Passion

From my vantage point during lunch today at a local eatery, I was treated to three very lively, yet different conversations. All were extremely passionate and enthusiastic about their particular topic. One shared how you could conquer your financial woes and get reduced energy rates at the same time with their multi-level marketing approach. Another was having a lively discussion on the Hot Sports topic of the day with each person making their own case about how they were correct and only one opinion could possibly be true. Finally, the third group was clearly filled with the local political experts who were not ashamed to let you know exactly how to feel, think and act when it came to the political climate of the day. All three groups seemed oblivious to the world around them, and they were distracted by nothing. They were focused and set on accomplishing the goal that they seemed to have set before them. The meal was simply a means by which they could gather a group of "needy" individuals, who needed (in their opinion) what was being shared, sold, or ranted upon.

As I sat their trying not to be discovered by any of them, but hopelessly messmerized by all three, my mind began to open to other possibilities. I have been that person. I have and still occasionally do talk to people about multi-level marketing ideas, sports, and politics. I have been on both sides. The aggressor, seller, orator, and the "needy". However, as I pondered the situation, I asked myself,"Have you ever made the conversation about Jesus?" It occurred to me as I watched and heard the passion, that I am so passionate about "making money", "sports", "politics", and even "religion", but have I been passionate about JESUS? When was the last time (if ever), I invited someone to lunch that I knew needed Jesus? No agenda. No ultierier motive. No ambush. Just love them the way Jesus would.

I am reminded of a question I used to asked all of my students when I was leading Disciple Now weekends. If you got a phone call from Jesus, and He asked you to meet Him at McDonalds in 30 minutes. What do you think He would talk to you about? You would probably go through a list in your head (like I would) about all of the things you have done wrong. That is the impression our "church" culture has left on society. GUILT, GUILT, GUILT. We can talk about, and be passionate about everything but our faith and our Savior, because we don't want to make anyone feel guilty or uncomfortable about that topic. We could care less about making them uncomfortable about our sports opinion, political opinion, or joining or multi-level marketing team, but when it comes to eternity let's leave that to chance. Sorry, now I am ranting. Back to the question......"What would Jesus say to when you met Him at McDonalds?"

He would spend His time simply letting you know how much He loves you. Once we really understand the depth of that love, we cannot help but talk about it. It makes people ask us about our faith. They ask us what is different for you? You have the same problems I do, but you have Joy. Why? When was the last time you asked God to put someone in your path that needed Jesus, or that needed a touch from His hand? A wonderful song says "You're the only Jesus some will ever see. You're the only words of life some will ever read". Take a chance. Be bold. Share your faith, and see what God can do through and in you.

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